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- X.N. Nguyen, D. Saucez, C. Barakat, T. Turletti, ``Rules Placement Problem in OpenFlow Networks: a Survey'', IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2016, vol. 18, no 2, p. 1273-1286.
- B. Astuto, M.A. S. Santos, B.T. de Oliveira, C.B. Margi, K. Obraczka, and T. Turletti, ``Software-Defined Networking Enabled Capacity Sharing in User Centric Networks'', IEEE Communication Magazine, Special Issue on User-Centric Networks, Volume 52, Issue 9, September 2014, pp. 28-36.
- B. Astuto, M. Mendonca, X.N. Nguyen, K. Obraczka, T. Turletti, ``A Survey of Software Defined Networking: Past, Present, and Future of Programmable Networks'', in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Volume 16, Issue 3, August 2014, pp. 1617-1634.
- H. Soni, T. Turletti, W. Dabbous, H. Asaeda, ``Scalable Guaranteed-Bandwidth Multicast Service in Software Defined ISP networks'', IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2017, Paris, France.
- N. Nguyen, T. Begin, A. Busson, I. Guérin Lassous, “Evaluation of an End-to-End Delay Estimation in the Case of Multiple Flows in SDN Networks”, in Proceedings of ManSDN/NFV, November 2016.
- A. Loukili, D. Saucez, T. Turletti, M. Bouet, "Seamless content distribution with OpenFlow", in Proc. of ACM CoNEXT student workshop 2016, December 2016.
- A. Loukili, D. Saucez, T. Turletti, M. Bouet, "Content Distribution and OpenFlow: a Reality Check", in Proc. of IEEE NFV SDN Conference 2016, November 2016 demonstration video ).
- N. Nguyen, T. Begin, A. Busson, I. Guérin Lassous, “Approximating the end-to-end delay using local measurements: a preliminary study based on conditional expectation”, in Proceedings of IEEE ISNCC 2016, May 2016 (Invited Paper).
- N. Nguyen, T. Begin, A. Busson, I. Guérin Lassous, “Towards a Passive Measurement-based Estimator for the Standard Deviation of the End-to-End Delay”, in Proceedings of IEEE NOMS 2015, April 2016.
- N. Nguyen, T. Begin, A. Busson, I. Guérin Lassous, “Estimating the variance of end-to-end delays in SDN network”, Poster presented at the summer school entitled NFV meets Big Data, Wurzburg, Germany, 2015.
- X.N. Nguyen, D. Saucez, C. Barakat and T. Turletti, ``OFFICER: A general Optimization Framework for OpenFlow Rule Allocation and Endpoint Policy Enforcement'', in Proc. of IEEE Infocom, Hong-Kong, China, April 26-May 1, 2015.
- M. Bouet, J. Leguay and V. Conan: Cost-based placement of vDPI functions in NFV infrastructures, in Proc. of the IEEE Network Softwarization Conference (NetSoft 2015), April 2015
- M. Obadia, M. Bouet, J.L. Rougier and L. Iannone: A Greedy Approach for Minimizing SDN Control Overhead, in Proceedings of the IEEE Network Softwarization Conference (NetSoft 2015), April 2015.
- M. Obadia, M. Bouet, J. Leguay, K. Phemius and L. Iannone : Failover Mechanisms for Distributed SDN Controllers, in Proc. of SCNS 2014, December 2014.
- K. Phemius, M. Bouet and J. Leguay: Distributed SDN for Mission-critical Networks, in Proc. of IEEE MILCOM 2014, October 2014.
- X.N. Nguyen, D. Saucez, C. Barakat and T. Turletti, ``Optimizing rules placement in OpenFlow networks: trading routing for better efficiency'', (long paper), ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networking (HotSDN'14), August 2014.
- B. Astuto, M.A. S. Santos, B.T. de Oliveira, C.B. Margi, K. Obraczka, and T. Turletti, ``Decentralizing SDN's Control Plane'', (short paper), in Proc. of the 39th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Edmonton, Canada, Sep. 8-11, 2014.
- K. Phemius, M. Bouet and J. Leguay: DISCO: Distributed Multi-domain SDN Controllers, in Proceedings of IEEE NOMS 2014, May 2014.