Main: HomePage

Welcome to the homepage of DISCO!

DISCO (DIstributed SDN COntrollers for rich and elastic network services) is an ANR funded project. It started on January 1st 2014 and it will last up to June 2017.

DISCO proposes to explore the way how SDN changes network monitoring, control, urbanisation and abstract description of network resources for the optimisation of services. SDN promises a wide array of optimization techniques and newer algorithms for managing traffic.

Context: Discover the scientific context of the project.

Goals: See the objectives of the project.

Workpackages: See a short description of the four (scientific) work packages.

Publications: Find associated publications.

News : To see announcements and events related to DISCO project.

Partners: DISCO is a joint-effort of 4 partners:

The DISCO project is sponsored by two "Pôles de Compétitivité":


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Page last modified on February 17, 2015, at 10:55 PM